Here at, it has become an annual tradition to get the views of shoppers on how they will spend their money the coming Christmas. Each year we get some fascinating results!
Christmas seems to arrive earlier each year and therefore so do the Christmas shoppers. This year we discovered that 15% of shoppers will have their Christmas shopping completely finished before December even begins. The traditional last minute shopping on Christmas Eve seems to be a thing of the past with only 11% of shoppers finishing on Christmas Eve.
A surprising statistic this year is the large increase in how much shoppers are willing to spend on their significant other. In 2013 we recorded that on average €133 would be spent on your partner, and €170 in 2014. However in 2015 we saw a whole 25% increase to €224, good news for all those taken this Christmas!
Each year we ask shoppers what types of gifts they will buy this Christmas. This year Clothing, Cosmetics and Perfume, and Children's toys came out in the top three.
Since our records began in 2012, online shopping figures have remained constant, with 60% of shoppers buying gifts online this Christmas.
For all those self-confessed bad Christmas shoppers out there, we have compiled the ultimate list of Most Wanted Gifts and also the Stay Away Gifts for Christmas. This year we asked shoppers the worst presents they have received and the results were really interesting! As you may have guessed Socks came in at the top position, followed a Jumper, Slippers, Soap and Cheap Perfume. Watch this space for the full list coming soon. The Most Wanted Gifts were a New Phone, Vouchers, Weekend Away, New Car and Jewelry.

With Christmas fast approaching we hope that our survey results will give you a helping hand of when and what to buy your loved ones this Christmas.
We would like to wish everyone a Happy Christmas and Prosperous New Year!
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